"What i thought was a sticky situation, turns back into a simply altercation."
Maybe, i thought it won't change a bit. Well maybe i thought this 1 year and 3 months knowing each other more will just stick the way it is and we'll just be happy. But never would i thought it'll turn back time to memories that brought so much impact in the past. I am apologetic of all the heart-breaking moments I've given you. Thank you for giving me this one more chance. Yes I was unworthy, and i was defiant towards you, but we pulled through it don't you think? Between us, it pretty much is complicated, and all the efforts to understand each other more paid off. I don't wanna rush or anyth. Let's just be what we think we are and don't rub anyth in it anymore. Thank you. Ily. imy.
& as for you. i just really don't know what to say.
technically it is my mistake to tell you whatever it is i had said.
the thing is, i'm tired of arguments with you.
maybe you couldn't reach to my expectations, i'd rather have someone else,
who at least tried. AT LEAST, i'm pressing on that phrase. advices were told to me to get rid of you.
slowly, i told myself. he said, "Don't rush. i'll support you."