Thursday, August 25, 2011

natural, without make-ups.

like finally, i've officially deleted off photos of me and Wawan, all of it from my Facebook. i deleted off the whole album, but technically, there's some of it left in the album "Profile Pictures" (which it took me, QUITE some time to realize about it). i guess your words pretty much left me unbearably hurt. wasn't even thinking about moving on. but, why shouldn't i? if you don't even gave a second chance and thought about us, well, might as well get my ass off it! AND, *drum rolls* I DID. unconditionally and irrevocably, tortured by your words. you can't believe how much i've cried. my girlfriends do. well, i ran to them back again. to think about maybe you thought about me, FUCK. never once i guess. cause after me, initially you had a replacement. okay go! if you had been mature enough, YOU FUCKING SHOULD HAVE MET UP WITH ME AND HAVE A FUCKING CLEAN BREAK UP. but you didn't. so? i hold onto those words of encouragement of those who had supported me and see how much after i struggled when you left. that was the second hardest time, after Hairul.

i'm having so much time to spare now. i feel better every time going out with my friends. THANK YOU for the unstoppable encouragement and support. i really love you guys to bits and pieces. a big THANK YOU, hugs and kisses :)

hey you ;D
yang hidup itu pasti akan mati. always remember that my dear.
like how you've always been there for me when i needed you, i'm always here for you.
you've sent me home, and you text-ed saying your friend passed away, i immediately called you up.
asking whether are you making a move alr. and you haven't, i told you to wait for me, i'll go down and meet you up.
what's best was not about me giving you hugs and kisses, but being there for you.
it's okay to cry. i don't mind at all. i'll be waiting for your text. patience :)