Thursday, December 23, 2010

my blog is dead without pictures. i'm just too busy with work and work and work and work.
so, how has work been? FUN-TASTIC. imagine karaoke-ing at ticket trip and pitching your voice damn high not caring whether the admission lady cared.


let's talk about work and what had happened yesterday.
work is a place where i can find the most fun people to laugh with and just make your day even if you find yourself in an exhausted mood. but the awesomest of all is the MERLION CREW. ceeehbah! but, in life, there are people who you can't bond with due to, i don't know what reasons.

so where was i spending my time yesterday. DATING. with, Boyf la. who else would i be dating with.
fetched boyf at his house because he is down with fever, end up, he's the one wanting to watch movie.
so we watched Tron Legacy. GEREK PEOPLE!
okay. i think that's about it. i want to play game. bye!