i thought so too. but yet, it's harder to communicate. but Aisyah told me that we do have to give them privacy. well, i guess so too. but, how long am i going to make the first move thinking that he doesn't bother at all. even if it's over for him , couldn't a text that says, yeah you've realize and let's be better now, i love you. might've sound better. but, it doesn't make a difference to you right Saifulridzuan? you make it seems and look like i'm alr starting to give up, and idk what's the answer is going to be like.
sometimes you wish that the past would be now when you're mad with your partner right? and you'll tell that person whom you used to love like that right? guess what, a SLUT makes it seems like she owns the world and it seems that you know almost everything? FUCK YOU! hello whore, i don't need your comments in the first place. yes it was his status, but FUCK YOU! you were the one that make it seems like you're IN LOVE. from what i've analyse and the theories i've made, A PICTURE SPEAKS A THOUSAND DIFFERENT MEANING, BUT A CAPTION TELLS WHETHER IT'S THE TRUTH. so don't be nice when you just can't be nice and not sincere in the first place. if you think you want to help a friend, BE NICE, DON'T BE A MOTHER-FUCKING SHIT TWO FACE. you don't go thru what other people do, you only hear and you only apply. but i'm asking you again, WERE YOU THE ONE PREGNANT WITH YOUR BESTF'S CHILD IN THE FIRST PLACE? NO YOU WEREN'T SLUT. and you said to get a life? OH PLEASE. get a life for yourself and be like a grown up. bak kata pepatah melayu, "Kalau orang tua sedang berbual, jangan masuk campur." OH SALAH. bak kata pepatah Melayu, "JANGAN SUKA JAGA TEPI KAIN ORANG KALAU KAIN SENDIRI TIDAK TERJAGA." so, my question is, who the fucking slut are you to help in the first place? we may not be grown ups, but due to the fact in looking at how NOSEY you are, seems like you've got a long way to go down your road. what, if you were to ask to talk things out, things would be better and more lenient? OH FORGET IT SNAKE FACE!
another point to add, which is, bak kata pepatah Melayu, "HARAPKAN PAGAR, PAGAR MAKAN PADI."
inilah lumrah dunia. sesungguhnya, manusia kini lebih memegang pada orang yang mereka rapat, dari kebenaran dunia akhirat. HAHAHAH! maklumlah, kawan rapat itu Adam. mana kan tidak kalau Hawa tak terpikat dengan Adam. eh eh, ni macam penulisan perlarian Mas Selamat la! tolong menolong dan tidak mengesahkan hukuman negara. inila versi MAS SELAMAT BUDAK BUDAK! kalau mas selamat keluarga tolong keluarga, ini pulak, kawan Hawa dan kawan Adam. AHAAA! tanggungkan dosa di akhirat yer kawan? kenapa tak boleh, awak yang tolong "support" kawan awak kan? awak yang menanggung anak 9 bulan. awak kan lagi tahu eh Sundal? saya ni orang biasa. saja-saja, nak tenguk cerita awak pulak. EH EH, awak dengan dia macam saya tengah tenguk filem Hindustan la. BANYAK AUTA KELING! SAYA SUKA SANGAT-SANGAT! EH ORANG SEBELAH, ADE POPCORN TAK? SAYA TENGAH SYIOK GILE NI TONGUK FILEM HINDUSTAN!
tanggungkan dosa saya yer. saya penat la. berat. terima kasih!