Thursday, August 26, 2010

We only got 86,400 seconds in a day, to turn it all around or throw it all away. We gotta tell 'em that we love 'em while we got the chance to say, Gotta Live like we're dying.

guess, The Scripts are pretty true aren't they? we gotta live like we're actually dying to feel satisfaction. i don't care much actually, but upon hearing this song again and again, i finally realised it. again, with Mr.Lim having to give all of the classes that he has taught, with a small token of encouragement and appreciation. i've yet to found a person like Mr.Lim, who i should say a very sweet teacher. (err, no hard feelings actually.) it's just the way he encourages his students and the way he motivates them. though he is a trainee teacher, i would like to actually bump into him once more again, in the days to come. i would likely want to appreciate what he wrote on my card. some how, it brought a light and a smile on my face for the start of my day. 

i wasn't over the moon this morning. neither am i actually happy. some people just don't understand the term, "I DON'T DO U-TURNS." oh well, he thinks i'm actually making him feel deragatory, but actually not. just making him realise what the real world is. well, yeah, maybe he is older, but thru your background and situations, shows how much of maturity have you taken in and how far can you handle yourself. well, i'm sorry i hurt you. but, wake up. 

i guess, i've not been updating my blog, makes it seems that i have too much to say once i'm back here typing and then again, leaving the blog rusty for the time being. 

Maths practice makes me understand more of questions. Chemistry build up my confident, thanks Jenny Poh. Social Studies encourages me to strive. English, just been too sleepy. SELF-STUDY? well, it seems pretty convincing. 

oh well, i guess none of you will decode what i'm trying to say. so, i shall say, i'm off then!