Saturday, August 07, 2010

4th Monthsary(:
i love you.
hold me tight, never let me go.
my luscious lips met yours.
well, since the time is 12:51am, then i'll say, yesterday(which was few hours ago), was my 4th monthsary. it wasn't quite a pleasant one i should say. we had an arguement which was quite bad, to the extend that neither me nor Wawan wanted to end it. but, we finally decipher the situation and came back with each other. well, i may not be the best like i always say, but i wanna try to be the best for you. i know this relationship is starting to bloom on it's own and that we are trying to keep it strong. i know we can, i have faith in that.
what was running thru my mind while i was having my arguement, i badly do not want Baby to let go of me. yes, i was fighting against him along with my anger, like i was some kind of a patriot on a galatic battlefield, but hey, i was absolutely afraid.

Baby, i know you are never good with words. you were always trying your very best to explain as much as you can. but somehow, your actions are way much stronger than your words. i know that, cos you've shown me. i'm sorry for being too harsh on you. i'm sorry for the mean words. i should have gave in actually. but i didn't want too. i was somewhat, rebellious. i wanted to show i was capable. but i was a coward. i didn't want you to go. even though you intended to walked away, but i so badly wanted to chase you. when you pulled me and hugged me saying sorry, i know that i was absolutely guilty. both of us were. Baby, i love you. i really do. hold me tight will you? cos i might fall again if i lose you. and if i fall, i may never pull myself back up again, like how i used too. stick with me please. i'm begging, with love.